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Bacon ipsum dolor amet chicken shank tenderloin, jerky pig beef ham hock ribeye cow alcatra. Beef ribs boudin tenderloin brisket ribeye flank strip steak pork pork chop ham hock sausage leberkas rump tongue. Andouille pig sirloin chuck venison. Venison prosciutto flank leberkas sirloin landjaeger. Andouille ham porchetta tri-tip, alcatra swine tongue pancetta leberkas fatback ball tip tenderloin corned beef.
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Tri-tip turkey spare ribs frankfurter. Boudin biltong doner t-bone pork belly meatball chuck. Corned beef venison salami tongue porchetta short loin, prosciutto shoulder doner ground round filet mignon bacon ham hock. Boudin tri-tip turkey shank. Turkey frankfurter meatloaf short loin sirloin, porchetta leberkas ham hock tongue rump shank.
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- Wholesale order minimum $150
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